Enrolment and account help
- Clearing the browser history - Chrome
- Enrolment Code help
- How do I reset my Password?
- How to update your details
- I have children at two separate Reach More Parents schools. How do I connect both schools?
- I haven't received the password reset or account verification email
Reach More Parents Help
- App Walkthrough for Parents
- How to complete a form within the ReachMoreParents app
- Parent App Walkthrough: Payments
- How to change the language in the app
- App Overview for Parents
- How do I report an absence for my child?
Weduc Payments (by sQuid)
- How can I cancel an Auto Top Up?
- How can I view my transaction history?
- How do I add money for my child's school meals?
- How do I book my child onto Clubs?
- How do I find my SRN (Student Reference Number)?
- How do I get a Receipt for Childcare?