This guide will go through the basics of the WordPress plugin that we offer, how Weduc integrates with your website and how the plugin works.
Installing the Plugin
Before you begin, you will require the plugin zip file. You must contact Weduc support to request this file, and they will provide it to you. Either create a ticket via your Zendesk login or email
Once they have responded, download the Zip file that the support team have provided.
As the plugin is installed from the zip file (instructions for doing this can be found here
Once this has been installed, you will be able to access the plugin by:
Clicking the Weduc button on the left-hand side in the WordPress menu;
Should this not appear, head to Weduc Plugin on the left-hand menu and click Activate next to Weduc Plugin.
Setting Up the Weduc Account
The next step is to set up the Weduc integration for the website. This will ensure that the Weduc Widgets on the website function as they should.
To start, you will need to access the schools Weduc System. When logged into Weduc, select your name on the drop down, top right of the screen and select your school’s name to take you to the administration menu (Should this option not be available to you, please speak to whoever in your school is responsible for the access permissions with Weduc).
From the administration menu we will need to create a Role, User and a Container for the website, Instructions on how to do this are detailed below:
Creating the Role
Start by selecting Roles on the left-hand menu.
Now select Add at the top of the page.
Add the School Website to the description on this short form and change the Role Type to Parent/Carer. Then press Save.
Once done, find your new role and select Edit Resources.
When in the permissions list, scroll down to Digital Library and click to expand and make sure that the Read Only permission is ticked before pressing Save.
Creating the User
Select User/Mailboxes in the user management section of the administration menu:
Now find the School Website role and click to expand. Click Add User.
On this next screen, add the following details.
First Name: School
Surname: Website
Alias: Website
Email: (schoolname)
Login: (schoolname)
Password: Weduc098!
Confirm Password: Weduc098!
Now press Save User.
Creating the Container
This will used by the school to choose which information appear on the website.
Select Container List in the group management section of the administration menu.
Select Add at the top.
Complete the form with the following information, followed by Save at the bottom.
Title: School Website
Description: School Website
Container Type: Department Container
Inherit Parent Users: No
Period: None
Enabled: Yes
Parents: (School Name)
Find the School Website Container and select Add Users.
Search for the School Website User
After finding the user, select using the tick box on the right.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and in the Role section select School Website, followed by clicking Add
Connecting Weduc to the Website
Open WordPress and select Weduc on the left.
Main Connection
Under username, enter the email address you created earlier for the user in Weduc.
Then enter the password for that Weduc User, followed by Login
The system will then generate an API Key and enter the Entity ID.
Ensure this is generates and then press Save Changes.
You will now see an additional drop down for Public Container. Please select School Website from here.
Now select Save Changes .
The next stage is to set the main Settings for each widget.
Select Calendar at the top.
Change the settings here to match the screenshot below. You can change the Events Count to whatever you would like.
Now select Save Changes
Now select Notices on the top.
Scroll down to Weduc Top Notice and change Include in Home to Yes and change as shown below.
Now select Save Changes
Now select Newsfeed along the top
Change Posts Count to however many posts you wish to have on the home page as shown below:
Now select Save Changes
Placing the Widgets
In WordPress, under the Weduc menu, you have a tab called Shortcodes.
These are what you will need to place each of the integrations, where you will need them on the site. To place one where required, go to the page you wish to have a Widget appear on. For example ‘About us’
Once here, open the Modules menu by clicking the plus icon in the top left
Select the Shortcode option.
In the Shortcode area that appears, simply paste in the Shortcode that you have copied, for the widget you wish to have appear on this page.
The Shortcodes
Each of the Shortcodes integrate different parts of your Weduc system in different ways.
Weduc Events – This is a mini version of the calendar that can be used to showcase a select few events from your Weduc calendar in a list format rather than a full calendar view. This pulls from the Calendar area of Weduc.
Weduc Calendar – This puts a full month view calendar onto your website and pulls from the Calendar area of Weduc.
Weduc Notices – This will place a bulletin board on the page of your choice. This information pulls from the Notices area of Weduc.
Weduc Posts – This puts a mini version of the Newsfeed on your page showing the most recent posts in a list view rather than a full scrollable Newsfeed. This pulls from the Newsfeed area of Weduc.
Weduc Newsfeed – This puts a full scrollable Newsfeed on your webpage, in the same way as a Twitter or Facebook feed. This information pulls from the Newsfeed area of Weduc.
Weduc Digital Library – This enables you to link a folder in Weduc to a particular page in order that all documents are shown, and automatically update if changes are made. These will always be sorted in alphabetical order.
Note: For help with linking the Digital Library, please click here. For further help with the Plugin settings, click here.