There are a lot of differences when editing pages on your website and most of these will depend on the chosen theme for your website.
All of which start by simply logging into the CMS. If you are unsure of how to do this, please click here.
Once side of the CMS (Content Management System), click on Pages on the left.
This will then take you to the list of pages on your site.
To Edit the Home page, click on the title that says Home or Homepage
This will take you into the Page editor.
Every themes home page is different. however, all are controlled by the tools you can see at the bottom of the screenshot above.
This is all split into different tabs to make editing this much simpler for you.
Simply click the tab for the area you wish to edit, then amend the fields below.
Should you require any assistance with this, please contact the support team on the below details.
Phone: 01509 221349
Contents Page
The Contents page is the main basis of your website and will make up roughly 99.5% of your website. To edit these pages, click on the title of the one you wish to edit.
This will then open up the editor, showing you all the content that currently exists on this page of the website.
Main Content
To edit the main content, primarily you will just type in the new text you wish to have appear. Alongside this, you have a wide range of different modules you can also add.
To add these, on a new line, click the plus icon on the right hand side.
This will open a small tab on the page.
Using this, you can either search for the feature you require.
Or select Browse All to open up the Module Pane.
The Module Pane will then show you all available modules you can use on your website.
For more information on the modules that are available, click here.
Page Settings
On the right hand side of any page, you will have a small settings menu.
If you do not see this, please click the cog icon in the top right. This icon can also be used to hide the Settings menu if needed.
There are several different areas on this menu for you to use.
Status & Visibility
This area will just give you some general details around the page including the Visibility level, when it was created and who created it. You can then delete the page from here by clicking on Move to Bin.
This feature is only available on some themes. If this appears, it will allow you to swap this page from one template to the other without affecting the content you have created.
Here, you can turn back time on this particular page to either undo a mistake that was made during an edit, or simply roll it back if you had made a seasonal change for example.
When you click this option, it will take you to the full Revisions page.
From here, you can use the slider across the top to choose a specific edit to go back to.
Once you have found the edit you require, click on Restore This Autosave.
From here, you can see the slug for this page, this is part of the web address visitors will see when they visit this page. You can edit this to a custom one if preferred, by default it will be created based on the Title of the page.
Note: If you change this and have linked the page manually elsewhere, you will need to update those links.
You can also view the page by clicking on the URL shown.
Featured Image
The Featured Image is the banner that sits across the top of every page of your site.
To change this, click on Set Featured Image or Replace Image under the Featured Image heading on the Settings Menu.
This will then open the Media Library.
From her you can either choose an existing image or upload a new one.
Page Attributes
This area here will affect your Sitemap, this is the background page of your site that details the structure of your site and can make it easier for people to find the information that they are looking for. It is also used by Google to index your website to make your pages appear in their searches. It is a requirement for any website.
With every page, you will need to select a Parent and an Order position. In the below example, the page British Values has the parent set as About Us and the Order as 1. Whilst Club Booking has the parent as Admin and the Order as 2.
Sidebar Menu
Every content page as a side menu, also known as either Quick Links or In This Section, depending on the theme your site uses.
What options appear here depend on the menus you have created.
For more information on menus, click here.
To select a menu, simply choose from the list on the drop down under Sidebar Menu.
Typically, you will find these mirror the options on your main website drop downs on the Header bar.
Publishing my Website
In order to do this, you first have the option to Preview what the page will look like before saving. To do this, simply click on Preview.
You can then go back and make any required changes if needed. Once happy, simply click Update.
Once clicked, the website will publish the changes and present you with a box in the bottom left stating Page Updated. This typically takes between 10-30 seconds.
Your website is now up to date with your latest changes.
Note: This will only publish changes made to this page ONLY.