There are a few different settings that can be changed on the Weduc integrations with the website.
To start, first login to your website and click the Weduc option on the left.
General Settings
This screen is solely for the main settings that link Weduc and your Website together. We would advise not changing these.
The main settings here will amend the Calendar integration on your website.
Events Count
This will allow you to change how many events will appear on the home page of your website. At present, the below example is set to 5. There is no limit on this, however, the more you have, the longer your Home page will be.
To edit this, just change the number by typing in the field provided.
Events Range
This section tells the connection what date range to look at in the Weduc Calendar.
By default, this is set to Upcoming Events but can be changed if required to one of the below options
Upcoming Events - All Events within the next 6 months.
Today - All events happening Today.
Tomorrow - All events happening Tomorrow.
Yesterday - All events that happened Yesterday.
This Week - All events happening this week.
Last Week - All events that happened Last Week.
Next Week - All events happening Next Week.
This Month - All events happening this month.
Next Month - All events happening next month.
Last Month - All events that happened last month.
Last Three Months - All events that happened over the last 3 months.
Last Six Months - All events that happened over the last 6 months.
Events Sorting
This area controls which of the events will appear at the BOTTOM of the list on the Home page. By default, this is set to Oldest to make the next event in the calendar appear at the top of the list.
You can change this to Latest to make the further event away appear at the top of the list if required.
The main control here is under the heading Weduc Top Notice. This controls whether the Notices integration appears on your website or not and also which page it appears on.
To change whether it appears, change the drop down labelled Weduc Top Notice.
You can then stipulate which page it appears on by changing the Page URL. By default, this is set to your Home page, as shown by the / in the screenshot above.
Finally you can control how many posts appear on the Home page Newsfeed widget.
To do this, simply change the number in the Posts Count field by typing in the box. By default, this will be set to 5. This means currently, it will show the most recent 5 posts made with the latest being at the top of the list.