If documents fail to upload it is likely that the conversion is failing on the server, this is usually caused by an update to SIMS or an update to Microsoft(r) Office.
Please contact support for the latest version of the connector
Please open the Weduc connector on the server, go to "settings" then "Clear Cache" and then "run Microsoft Word as System User"
Microsoft Word should open, please accept any first-run pop-ups and start a new document, go to save as, select PDF as the type and ensure "open after save" is not set, finally save the document to make sure you can save as a PDF document from Word. If you get any errors please work those through until word can open and save as a PDF without any errors.
Once that is done Clear the cache on the server, open the Weduc connector on the server, go to "settings" then "Clear Cache" then "Clear Sync Object Cache" this can take up to 15 minutes depending on the size of the school. After 15 minutes have elapsed open the Weduc portal, go to "MIS Data Management" then "MIS Sync Tasks" and run the "Student Documents" sync. This may take a long time depending on the size of the school and the number of documents to process. once completed you can search for a student and check to see if the document has been uploaded and is in the correct PDF format.