The engagement dashboard is a tool that helps schools to understand how well they are communicating with their parents, and where they can make improvements.
This article will tell you how to access the Engagement Dashboard and understand the data it displays.
Accessing the Engagement Dashboard
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click your name in the top-right corner of the screen.
3) Click Reporting.
4) Click Engagement Reporting.
Understanding the Engagement Dashboard
The engagement dashboard is made up of several tiles displaying a school's performance in three key metrics: Reach, Interact and Engagement. If the school is part of a Multi Academy Trust, you will also be able to measure the school's performance against other schools in the Trust.
This measures whether parents are using the ReachMoreParents app. The higher the percentage, the greater the number of pupils that have at least one parent or carer that are active on the app and therefore have visibility of the communications sent out.
This measures whether those logged on parents or carers are actually reading or interacting with the content. The higher the percentage, the greater confidence you can have that parents or carers are not just receiving but are interacting with your content.
This measure comes direct from your parents or carers. A survey is run once a term to measure the effectiveness of the communications sent out via the ReachMoreParents platform. The higher the percentage, the more confidence you can have that parents or carers are engaged with the content being sent.
An explanation of each of the tiles in the Engagement Dashboard can be found below:
The summary tile provides a bitesize snapshot of the key metrics in the dashboard, allowing you to quickly and easily monitor your scores.
If the school is part of a Multi Academy Trust, the Rank metric signifies the schools standing amongst all schools in the trust, which is determined by their performance as a combination of their Reach, Interact and Engagement scores.
Apply filters in the top-right corner of the tile to toggle between data for the last week, last month, current term or current academic year.
Engagement Scores
The engagement scores tile provides a detailed breakdown of your engagement score based on your parents responses to a poll that is carried out each term. The five categories refer to these questions from the poll:
Targeted: The communications I received from the school this term were specific to my child(ren)
Relevant: The communications I received this term were helpful/useful to me
Volume: I was happy with the amount of information I received this term
Timely: This term’s communications were received with enough time to take action
Overall: Overall I feel happy with the communications received from the school this term
This level of detail can give you a great insight into your parents' experience of your communications and help to point out where you could improve. If you're not sure how to improve your engagement scores, or just need a bit more help interpreting them, we recommend using our guide: How to Interpret Your Poll Data and Boost Parental Engagement
Apply a filter in the top-right corner of the tile to display data for different terms.
*Please note that if your school joined after the latest survey (July 2024), your parents would not have been included, so no results will be available. Additionally, since participating in the parent poll is optional, the data collected may not fully represent your entire parent population.
Engagement vs MAT Average
The Engagement vs MAT Average tile allows users to compare the Engagement score of the school vs the mean average engagement score for schools in the Multi Academy Trust over the last three terms. If the school is not part of a trust, this tile will not be visible.
Apply a filter in the top-right corner of the tile to display data for different years.
Reach, Interact & Engagement over time
The Reach, Interact & Engagement over time tile provides users with the ability to track the progress of each of the three key metrics for each month over a yearly period. This report should empower schools to see the impact of their successes and spot declining scores before they worsen.
Apply a filter in the top-right corner of the tile to display data for different years.
Reach by Year Group
The Reach by Year Group tile gives users a summary of the Reach score for each year group, allowing schools to identify which year groups may be dragging their overall Reach score down and may therefore require more focus to get as many parents using the app as possible.
Apply filters in the top-right corner of the tile to display data for different year groups or yearly periods.
Boost your scores!
If you would like to improve your scores, but aren't sure where to start, click here. We have plenty of suggestions for schools to get the best out of their communications with parents. For instance, did you know that 80% of primary school parents and 92% of secondary school parents believe that three messages per week is the ideal number according to our recent survey.