Enrolling a user on to ReachMoreParents allows them to activate their account, set up their password and log in. You can enrol a user by sending them an email, text message or letter.
To enrol multiple users in the same Role:
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click your school name to access the admin menu.
4) Click Additional User Options
5) Click the Role that assigned to the user(s) you wish to Enrol.
For instance, if you want to enrol parents, click the Parent / Carer role.
6) Click the ACTIONS button next to the ADD USER button.
7) Click Enrol Users
8) Select the method you want to use to enrol these users by ticking the Letter, Email and SMS tick-boxes on the same line as their name. A method will already be ticked for each user that is not yet enrolled based on whether an email address or mobile number has been imported from the MIS. Users that are already enrolled will not have a method ticked, so will not be sent an enrolment message unless you tick one of these methods for them.
IMPORTANT: Sending enrolment messages via SMS will send out a text message, which costs 5p per text, so tick and untick the SMS tick-box at the top of the column if you want to prevent sending out any text messages and being charged.
9) Click SEND ENROLMENT MESSAGES to send the messages. If you want to send the enrolment message via letter to any users, the Letter tick-box must be ticked for that user. Click DOWNLOAD ENROLMENT LETTERS to download the PDF versions of these letters to print a physical copy.
To enrol a single user:
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click your school name to access the admin menu.
4) Click Additional User Options
5) Click the Role that assigned to the user(s) you wish to Enrol.
For instance, if you want to enrol a parent, click the Parent / Carer role. If you want to enrol a staff member, click a role that has been assigned to that staff member, such as the All Staff, Non-Teaching Staff or Teacher role.
6) Enter the users name in the search field and click the magnifying glass to search.
7) Click the ACTIONS button for that user on the right hand side, next to the Last Login column.
8) Click Enrol.
9) Select the method you want to use to enrol this user by ticking the Letter, Email and SMS tick-boxes. A method will already be ticked based on whether an email address or mobile number has been imported from the MIS. If this user has already been enrolled, they will not have a method ticked, so will not be sent an enrolment message unless you tick one of these methods for them.
IMPORTANT: Sending enrolment messages via SMS will send out a text message, which costs 5p per text, so tick and untick the SMS tick-box at the top of the column if you want to prevent sending out any text messages and being charged.
10) Click SEND ENROLMENT MESSAGES to send the message. If you want to send the enrolment message via letter to this user, the Letter tick-box must be ticked for that user. Click DOWNLOAD ENROLMENT LETTERS to download the PDF version of this letter to print a physical copy.