Mailboxes allow a user to send or receive a message via the Message Centre. All users have their own personal mailbox, however you can also create a shared mailbox.
This is useful when sending or receiving messages for a particular department of the school, such as the school office or school finance team as the mailbox can be monitored by multiple people at the same time, and messages can be sent on behalf of a whole department, rather than a staff member's personal mailbox.
A users ability to view the inbox of a shared mailbox, or send messages from a shared mailbox is determined by the Roles they have assigned. For instance, users with the 'School Administrator' Role would typically be able to view the inbox and send messages from the 'School Office' Mailbox.
To create a new shared mailbox, follow the below instructions:
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click your school name to access the admin menu.
4) Click Mailboxes in the Mailbox Management section
5) Click the plus (+) icon on the MAILBOXES box.
6) Type into the 'Mailbox name' field to create a name for your mailbox.
7) Type a role name into the 'Add members for this mailbox' field and click the Role when it appears.
8) Tick Can View Mailbox if you want users with this role to be able to view the mailbox.
Viewing the mailbox will allow a user to see and interact with messages in the Inbox, Sent, Deleted, Draft, Notifications, Pending, My Tags, Folders, Automated Messages and SMS replies folders in this mailbox.
9) Tick Can send from mailbox if you want users with this role to be able to send messages from this mailbox.
10) Type a role name into the 'Can receive messages from' field and click the Role when it appears.
Any roles in the 'Can receive messages from' field will be able to send a message to this inbox.
11) Click the Save icon.