Each user has at least one Role assigned to them. You can control who a user can message by setting the Messaging Rights for a Role that that is assigned to them. You can give a Role the rights to message another Role or a Shared Mailbox.
For instance, you may want all users with the Teacher role to be able to message all users with the Parent / Carer role. Similarly, you may want all users with the Parent / Carer role to be able to message the School Office Mailbox.
Likewise, you can also control which Roles can send messages to other Roles from a Shared Mailbox.
For instance, you may want all users with the Office Payments Administrator Role to be able to message all users with the Parent / Carer role from the School Finance Mailbox.
Instructions for each of these scenarios, and for getting an overview of all Messaging Rights, can be found below:
For providing/removing access for one role to message another role
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click your school name to access the admin menu.
4) Click Set Permissions for Roles in the User Management Section.
5) Click the Role you want to change the permission for in the ROLES box on the left.
7) Click the drop-down menu underneath the line '[Role Name] can message these roles'.
For instance, if you select the Teacher role in step 5, it would say 'Teacher can message these roles'.
8) Tick the tick-box for each role that you would like this Role to be able to message. Untick the tick-box for each role you would no longer like this Role to be able to message.
9) Click the Save icon.
For seeing a full breakdown of which Roles can message which Roles or Mailboxes
For a full breakdown of which Roles can message which Roles or Mailboxes, follow these instructions:
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click your school name to access the admin menu.
4) Click Set Permissions for Roles in the User Management Section.
5) Scroll down and Click ROLE MESSAGING OVERVIEW.
For providing/removing access for a role to message a mailbox.
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click your school name to access the admin menu.
4) Click Mailboxes in the Mailbox Management section.
5) Click the Mailbox that you want to change the permissions for in the MAILBOXES box on the left.
For instance: School Office Mailbox.
6) Click the edit icon.
7a) If you want to allow a role to send messages to this mailbox. Type a role name into the 'Can receive messages from' field and click the role when it appears.
Any roles in the 'Can receive messages from' field will be able to send a message to this inbox.
7b) If you want to prevent a role from sending messages to this mailbox, click the cross next to that Role underneath the 'Can receive messages from' field.
8) Click the Save icon.