Some schools use the morning register to set what their students are having for lunch. Even if parents typically order the meals via the app, the register can be used to fill in any gaps that may have been missed. This article will show you how to mark attendance and set meal choices for students via the morning register.
Your school will either use a simple or advanced meal plan. The process for taking the register is slightly different depending on which of these the school has set up. If you already know which of these you use, you can click here to skip forward to the simple meal plan instructions and here for the advanced meal plan instructions. If you are unsure which of these you use, you can find out here.
Taking the register using a Simple Meal Plan
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click Register.
4) Click Select Register.
5) Click Group.
6) Click Select.
7) Click Take Register.
8) Go through the register one-by-one for each student. Mark attendance and set their meal choice. If you already know how to do this, skip to step 9. If you are unsure, read below.
Mark Attendance
Click the green tick to mark as present, the red cross to mark as absent and the yellow clock to mark as late. You can also enter a register code by clicking the white square.
Set their meal choice
Click School Meal, Offsite, or Packed Meal based on the student's choice.
What if the meal choices are already coloured in?
If the meal choices are already coloured in, you do not need to change the meal choice for these students unless this is specifically requested. If School Meal is coloured Green, the student already has a School Meal order placed and paid for. If School Meal is coloured Red, or Offsite or Packed Meal are coloured Green, these meal choices have been pre-set for this student.
Why is School Meal coloured red after I have clicked on it?
If School Meal is coloured red, this indicates that a school meal has been selected for the student, but has not yet been saved and therefore ordered. If you have set a student to having a school meal, and School Meal is now coloured Red, you can move on to the next student in the register.
9) Once you have marked attendance and set the meal choice for each student in the register, click Save Changes. This will save your attendance and meal choices to ReachMoreParents. If you have a submit button, move on to step 10. If you do not have a submit button, you have completed the process.
10) Click Submit. This will save your attendance to your MIS.
*Top Tip* Order meals in the register even quicker
There are two features of the register that can speed up the above process. The Meal Choices Filter and the 'Set unselected meal choices to' drop-down menu.
You can use the Meal Choices Filter to focus on the students that need your attention, this is especially helpful if most school meals are ordered by parents and you are using the register to fill in any gaps. For more information on how to use the Meal Choices Filter, click here.
You can use the 'Set unselected meal choices to' drop-down menu to set School Meal, Offsite Meal or Packed Meal for multiple students at the same time. The meal choice chosen will only be applied to students that have no meal option currently selected.
Taking the register using an Advanced Meal Plan
1) Log in to ReachMoreParents.
2) Click on your name in the top right hand corner.
3) Click Register.
4) Click Select Register.
5) Click Group and select a class from the list.
6) Click Select.
7) Click Take register.
8) Go through the register one-by-one for each student. Mark attendance and set their meal choice. If you already know how to do this, skip to step 9. If you are unsure, read below.
Mark Attendance
Click the green tick to mark as present, the red cross to mark as absent and the yellow clock to mark as late. You can also enter a register code by clicking the white square.
Set their meal choice
Click School Meal, Offsite, or Packed Meal based on the student's choice. If you click School Meal, follow steps a - c below.
a) Click the menu item(s) that the student has chosen.
b) Click Add.
c) Click Done.
What if the meal choices are coloured green?
If the meal choices are already coloured green you do not need to change the meal choice for these students unless this is specifically requested. If School Meal is coloured Green, the student already has a School Meal order placed and paid for. If Offsite or Packed Meal are coloured Green, these meal choices have been pre-set for this student.
9) Once you have marked attendance and set the meal choice for each student in the register, click Save Changes. This will save your attendance and meal choices to ReachMoreParents. If you have a submit button, move on to step 10. If you do not have a submit button, you have completed the process.
10) Click Submit. This will save your attendance to your MIS.
*Top Tip* Order meals in the register even quicker
There are two features of the register that can speed up the above process. The Meal Choices Filter and the 'Set unselected meal choices to' drop-down menu.
You can use the Meal Choices Filter to focus on the students that need your attention, this is especially helpful if most school meals are ordered by parents and you are using the register to fill in any gaps. For more information on how to use the Meal Choices Filter, click here.
You can use the 'Set unselected meal choices to' drop-down menu to set School Meal, Offsite Meal or Packed Meal for multiple students at the same time. The meal choice chosen will only be applied to students that have no meal option currently selected.
We do not recommend setting School Meal on multiple students if you are using an advanced meal plan, as you still need to choose the specific menu items for each individual student anyway.