If you are a parent that pays for your children's school meals, you may be informed that you have outstanding meal payments. This information may have been received via a message, or a red banner in the meals section of the app.
You can follow the below instructions to pay the outstanding amount. If you are unsure what the outstanding payments are for, each outstanding item will be listed at step 6 below.
1) Log in to the app.
2) Browse to the parent portal.
4) Tap Meals.
5) Click Pay now via the Outstanding payments banner.
6a) If you have enough money in your purse to pay the outstanding payments, click Pay All. You can also tick the tick-box next to each item if you only want to pay for specific items.
6b) If you do not have enough money, the app will not let you click Pay All. In this instance, click Top up purse and follow instructions from the 'Manual Top Up' heading in this article before returning to complete step 6a. *Please note, you may have two purses. The purse you need to top up for this process is called the Weduc Meal Order Purse. Do not top up the Online ePayments Purse as this will not allow you to pay for your oustanding meal payments.