*This is a technical article for the IT Support staff of the school
What is the Weduc Connector?
The Weduc connector is a simple tool used to link your SIMS database to your Reach More Parents environment. The connector provides live connectivity to and from SIMS.
Who should be using this document?
This is a technical document and is to be used by the internal or external IT support of the school. This document is not to be used by school administrators or other members of staff.
Step 1: Preparation
Before setting up the connector tool you must ensure that you meet the following pre-requisites:
- Microsoft .NET 4.8.0 installed (The connector installer will install this if necessary)
- Microsoft Server 2012 (R2) or later, Windows 10 or newer operating system (64bit is required)
You will then need to create a SIMS user in SIMS System Manager with the following groups:
Create a user with the username Weduc, add the groups below and then copy the password, save these somewhere safe for when you set up the connector.
- Administration Assistant
- Assessment Coordinator
- Assessment Operator
- Class Teacher
- Pastoral Manager
- School Administrator
- System Manager
- Third-Party Reporting
You will then need to log on to your SIMs server with Windows Administrator credentials and download the Weduc Connector tool: WeducConnector.xXX.Release.XXX.msi (This file will be provided to you by your Weduc Implementation Manager)
Once downloaded, Launch the WeducConnector.xXX.Release.XXX.msi file by double-clicking, or by right-clicking and selecting Install and follow the installation wizard or the screenshots below.
The following pop up window will appear, this is the installer.
Follow the setup wizard to begin the installation.
Click ‘Next’
Here you will need to select a folder to install the Weduc connector tool.
Keep the default location and click next.
At this point, the Weduc Connector will be installed. You will see the final pop up window below.
Click ‘Close’
Step 2: Configuration
Open the Weduc Connector by going to your ‘Start’ menu, and clicking ‘Weduc Connector’.
Once open you will see this initial screen:
Under the SIMS CONFIGURATION tab, you will need:
- SIMS server name
- SIMS Database name
- SIMS Admin Username and password that you created earlier.
The Server name and Database Name can be accessed from SIMS if you have SIMS System Manager permissions.
To find the SIMS Database name and Server name, launch SIMS and Navigate to: ‘Help’ > ‘System Info’.
You will then see this screen:
*IMPORTANT! Do Not Click Test Settings until you have saved configuration*
Once you have entered all of the required information, click ‘SAVE CONFIGURATION’ at the top of the window.
Click the back arrow and then click ‘Test Settings’.
This will test your SIMS connection and ensure that the information you have entered meets the requirements for the connection to be made to SIMS.
If the details you have entered are correct, you should see 3 results with green ticks next to them.
This means that you have successfully connected your Weduc Connector to your SIMS server.
Next, we must configure the Weduc Connection. Click the ‘WEDUC CONFIGURATION’ tab in the navigation menu to open the next screen:
Here is where you must enter the details of your Weduc Connector User account provided by your Weduc Implementation Manager.
You will need:
- Weduc login
- Weduc Password
If your school uses an external broadband provider that utilises filtering via a web proxy, you will need to provide the following details:
- Proxy server – Needs to start http://
- Port (if required)
- Authentication (if required)
- Note: You will not need to do this if the proxy has been set up on the host computer.
*IMPORTANT! Do Not Click Test Settings until you have saved configuration*
Once you have entered all of the required information, click ‘SAVE CONFIGURATION’ at the top of the window.
Click the back arrow and then click ‘Test Settings’.
This will test the connection with your Reach More Parents Environment.
If the information you have entered is correct you will see several results with green ticks next to them.
This means that you have successfully connected your Weduc Connector to your Reach More Parents Environment.
Step 3: Optional Settings
Active Directory
The details you need to enter here are:
- Name of DC server or IP address
- Domain/Network Admin account
- Network Admin Password
Once you have entered all of the required information, click ‘SAVE CONFIGURATION’ at the top of the window.
Click the back arrow and then click ‘Test Settings’.
User Mapping
The User mapping will be on by default and must be on for the Active Directory configuration to work. Users will be linked by their email address to the same email address in Active Directory.
Step 4. Firewall and Proxy filter considerations
If you have access to your Firewall or proxy filter please add an exception for the addresses below.
If you don’t have access please pass the request to your IT support provider. Please also exclude these addresses from any https scanning as this can cause certificate errors.
Or at least
Amazon AWS might need to be added as an allowed service depending on your firewall or filter system.
You can test these rules by going to the following urls in a web browser
They should both return an access denied message, which will indicate that the connection is working. If you get an error 404 or a content blocker page then there is still an issue.
Step 5. Anti-Virus considerations
If you are running anti-virus software on the server or computer that hosts the Weduc connector it is advisable to add the following exclusions to any on-access scanning.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Weduc\Weduc Connector\Weduc.Connector.Service.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Weduc\Weduc Connector\Weduc.Connector.Worker.exe"
"C:\ProgramData\Weduc\Weduc Connector\weduc.connector.service.journal.sqlite"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Weduc\Weduc Connector
C:\ProgramData\Weduc\Weduc Connector