Below is a list of follow-up activities we would like you to complete following your training on The Hub. Please choose a few activities, ticking off any content that you have added to your Reach More Parents platform. You may also wish to refer to the suggested content for ideas.
The Hub
☐ Create any new ‘Category’ folders that are required for new items.
☐ Upload files, images or videos suitable for parents and pupils such as (please tick):
• Newsletter
• School policies
• Whole school curriculum overview
• Catering menu
• School map
• School tour video
• Posters/leaflets for local clubs
• Other (please specify below)
☐ Add a link to your school Facebook or Twitter page (if relevant)
☐ Set the permissions on any new items, making sure that only particular staff roles ‘can see,’ ‘can edit’ and ‘can remove’ (eg, System Administrators and School Administrators). Any other roles or groups should only have the permission ‘can see.’
Suggested content ideas for your Reach More Parents environment
- Add links into The Hub for your school website or Facebook/Twitter pages
- Add link to The Hub for payment provider/meal booking websites (if not using sQuid Payments or Meal Manager)
- Add important files to The Hub (eg, school prospectus, class/form timetables)
- Add links into The Hub for learning websites for students (eg, BBC Bitesize)