Below is a list of follow-up activities we would like you to complete following your Forms training. Please choose a few activities, ticking off any content that you have added to your Reach More Parents platform. You may also wish to refer to the suggested content for ideas.
Create a form from scratch or by editing a template, making use of features such as (please tick):
☐ Adding fields from the ‘controls’ and ‘quick components’
☐ Editing fields in the ‘field settings’
☐ Changing the ‘form settings’
☐ Set user(s) to be notified once a form has been completed
☐ Setting the ‘form availability’ to a limited amount of time
☐ Sending a form message request
☐ Other (please specify below)
☐ View and action form responses from a published form
☐ View and action form responses from a shared form
☐ Export multiple form responses to a CSV file
Suggested content ideas for your Reach More Parents environment
- Send a form message request to parents to prompt them to complete important forms (eg, photo and video permissions, trips etc)
- Create forms that require permission from parents as well as additional information (eg, school trips and residentials, after school activities)
- Create forms to get parental feedback on something in your school
- Publish form templates as self-service forms that parents can complete as and when needed (eg, permission to administer medication, leave of absence requests, change of contact details)