This article is a guide for schools to complete training on ReachMoreParents. Watching the video contained in each article linked below will bring you a step closer to becoming an expert. Each training article contains a link to return to this article, so you can use this article as your central hub for training.
Basic Training
We recommend you start with the basics in each area of ReachMoreParents. Below are links to each of the basic training sessions:
How to create a simple Newsfeed post
How to create a simple calendar event
How to take an attendance register
How to process absence requests
How to publish a self-service form
How to share a weblink in The Hub
How to set a simple Home Learning task
Advanced Training
Once you are familiar with the basics, you can move on to advanced training for each area. Some areas do not require advanced training:
The Hub
Home Learning
Advanced Training - Home Learning
Third Party Product Training
If you also use one of our Third Party Add-Ons, we offer basic training for these areas:
sQuid Payments
Parents Evening Booking System
Parents Evening Booking Training