Note: This is only for use for schools using Weduc Meal Manager and can ONLY be done for School Meal Credits. For any other balances, please contact your Implementation Manager or Weduc Support at
1. Select your name in the top right of Weduc.
2. Select the school name on the Drop Down that appears.
3. Scroll down to the Meal Management section on the left-hand menu and select Balance Top Ups.
4. Using the Select a User field, search for the student you need to add the balance for and click their name when it appears (You can select multiple students here if needed).
5. Then click on Find in the bottom right.
6. Now select Actions next to the student in question.
7. You will now see some different options, simply select Bank Transfer.
8. Under Payee Name, enter the name of your old system. This will show on the reports when you run them.
9. In the Amount field, enter the credit balance currently on the old system.
10. Click on Next.
11. You will then be given a preview of what you are about to add. If correct, click on Finish. If an error has been made, click Previous.
The balance has now been added for this student and you can repeat the process for any other remaining students.
Note: When doing this and reconciling weekly settlements, please ensure you take into consideration that you already have these funds so they will not be settled to you again.