Start by first logging in to your website. If you need assistance with this, please click here.
Once there, you will first be taken to the dashboard of your websites CMS (Content Management System).
Now, click on Pages on the left hand menu.
You will now see all the current existing pages on your website. From here, select Add New at the top of the screen.
This will then open up a blank editor. Start by giving your new page a Title in the first text field available.
Now, add in the general content you wish to have appear on this page using the main blank section below.
Note: For assistance on the modules available, please click here.
From here, you now need to head to the right hand menu. Firstly head to Featured Image and select Set Featured Image. This will dictate what image is used as the top banner for this page when visitors to your site load this page.
This will load the Media Library so that you can either select an existing image or upload a new one. Select the image you wish to use.
Now head to Page Attributes on the right hand menu. This will allow us to slot this new page into the existing websites main structure and is crucial for SEO purposes on your website.
Under Parent Page, select the page this new page will sit under. For example, Meet the Team would likely sit under About Us, so select About Us.
Order is then where under the Parent Page will it sit. For example 1 would be first at the top of the list.
Now, under Menu Settings, you must select the relevant menu to appear on the In This Section area of the page when loaded. Typically this would be the Menu with the same name as the Parent Page selected under Page Attributes above.
Finally, select Publish in the top right.
Then select Publish again to confirm.
The only thing left from here, is to add the page to the menus. To do this, click here for guidance.