The end of academic year sees students leaving. This may leave empty user groups in the system. In preparation for the new academic year, we recommend that you delete any empty user groups. To delete these groups, please follow the instructions below:
Deleting Top-Level User Groups
1) We recommend deleting any top-level user groups first. To do this, click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and click on your school’s name to access the administration menu.
2) Browse to the ‘Group List’ area which can be found under ‘Group Management’ via the navigation pane on the left-hand side.
3) Click ‘Cleanup Empty Groups’ at the top of the screen. Any top-level groups which are empty will then be removed from the list.
Deleting Sub-Level User Groups
1) If you have sub-classes within your year groups, you will also need to check for any empty user groups within each one. To do this, firstly make sure you are in the ‘Group List’ area of the admin portal, as mentioned in step 2 above, then click ‘Sub Groups’ for each of the year groups listed.
2) Click ‘Cleanup Empty Groups’ at the top of the screen. Any empty groups which exist as sub-classes within that year group, will then be removed from the list.
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each of your year groups.
Please note that sometimes staff members may remain in an empty group once students have left. This can cause otherwise empty groups to not be deleted when following the above steps. If this is the case, you can remove the remaining user and then delete these groups manually in the same area by clicking ‘Delete’ next to the group you wish to delete.