If you are using sQuid payments, any new students will require a payment account. This should be assigned to them automatically on the next overnight sync once they have been imported into ReachMoreParents. Should you need these to be assigned earlier, please follow the instructions below.
1) Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and click on your school’s name to access the administration menu.
2) Browse to the ‘Additional User Options’ area which can be found under ‘User Management’ via the navigation pane on the left-hand side.
3) Expand the ‘Student’ role. Click the ‘Actions’ button above the list of students and click ‘Create/Update Payment Account’.
4) Any students without payment accounts will be automatically ticked. Click ‘Create Payment Accounts’.
5) You will know that the request has gone through once the green banner appears.
6) You will receive confirmation via email and any issues will be highlighted.
Please note, any issues must be rectified before running the creation process again.