Things to check when a parent isn't imported
Things to check in your MIS:
Duplicated Parent
Check that the parent isn’t duplicated, SIMS a quick check can be done by going to the Focus menu > Person > Contact, entering the surname and searching, if the same person exists multiple times you need to correct this so that only one contact account exists for that person. Other MIS systems may need a different method and some MIS systems (integris) have duplicates by design but you will need to check the family or sibling links
Parental Responsibility
Parental Responsibility must be ticked or set to yes. Weduc will only import based on this being present (the only exception is iSAMS if set up before September 2022)
Court Order
Court orders must not be ticked. Weduc will never import a parent that has a court order, this should only be set where the court order is to prevent access.
Email Address
Each parent must have a unique email address, check to see if the partner of this missing parent is using the same email address, your MIS may allow you to search users by email address, or you can search email addresses in Weduc, in the user/mailboxes area, expand parents and use the search box within that section.
Check that the email address in the contact record is correct with no spaces before or after the address, make sure the dots are correct and not commas for example.
Check that the contact's name is correct, there should be a first name and a surname, if not this will create an error as an invalid name and will not import.